Intro + Day 1 (My Personality)
posted by Nur Syahirah Umairah 7:01 am 0 comments

 Hi assalamualaikum.

It's been a really long long time since i update anything. The last entry was 2018, so it has been 2-4 years. The 2018 entry i think originally was made in 2016 but edited in 2018 lol 😂

And yesss today is 1 September 2020. To short long story to compensate for those years, there is hella many things to story about. So, this entry I just want to do 30 days writing challenge. This one is not the complicated one, just basically about myself hohoho  Sounds self-center and narcissistic but- whateva


I think because i want people to know about me. hahahahah but i'm so introvert irl And i know myself the best :) I just want to express my thoughts in words. Plus, i love writing and better in it than talking So, the rest is history.

Day 1 : Describe your personality

As stated many many times, i am an introvert girl. I am quite, shy, not like talking very much, awkward when there is many people. Can say, i am observing but i am not so alert person, i only care about things that has my interest. While i'm observing, i mainly process those information in my head and then only keep those for myself, means i rarely share those thoughts with others. I found myself, different than most of my friends who can share stories (which if it were me, i dont really tell others) in interesting way, use that as a topic of conversation. I am so envy with them. 

This my major personality also makes me understand if i don't have many close friends. As for chatting/whatsapp-ing with friends is also not my ace. This is an exception for my boyfriend, where i text him daily, but mostly just an ordinary daily conversation topic, and sometimes the meaningful one (ofc we have that bcos we're a couple right) and mostly he is the funny one. Yeah another one, i am not funny. I'm more serious silent one hahahah but i try to vibing with my companies. As for group chat, i am the silent reader also. It just maybee i'm afraid if no one respond to me. like, nobody need my random response. I prefer chatting personally, one-to-one. Once, someone asked timetable in the group, but i send it personally to him. everyone wishing happy birthday in group, but i send it personally. lol. sometimes it because of i/m a being silent reader for too long and i am worry if i am suddenly pop out hahahaha

I know that i am an introvert because doing stuffs that naturally happen for extrovert kinda consume my energy. Like hanging out with friends, talking, joining association (PMFBIM, silat) But it was also fun and i had self-satisfaction. Those things just not happen naturally to me, i need to do effort then i need me-time to recharge. I'm grateful for the experience and knowledge that I gained during the journey.

I try my best to keep myself and my things organize, without that my life will be so messy.

I think i am optimistic. You know, being positive and so on. I don't let something bother or let me down for too long. I am easily moving on because I jut want peace. I am forgiving haha but i don't really forget. I'm trying my best to be good and better. but somehow i think i always failed.

Most people said i am garang. Maybe true.

I may have a toxic trait that i don't realize, it can be vary depending on those people. I'm not perfect. I can be annoying, irritated, arrogant, bossy to some. another toxic trait; i late replying chats. because sometimes i don't feel like replying on time, so i procrastinated in which sometimes i totally forget about it.


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